
Configure Appointment Details

The Tweed Practice

01721 720601

The Neidpath Practice

01721 720380

Our doors are open to patients who have a pre-booked appointment.  Appointments can be made using our eConsult service or by telephone.

Please only come to the Health Centre if you have a pre-booked appointment.


Appointment types:

Face to face appointments

Telephone appointments

Home visits for housebound patients (should call by 10am if possible)

Urgent appointments that cannot wait for a routine appointment - please call between 9am and 11am 


If you need help with your appointment

Please tell us:

If there’s a specific doctor, nurse or other health professional you would prefer.

If you would prefer to consult with the healthcare professional by phone or in person.

If you need an interpreter.

If you have any other access or communication needs.