Our Team

The Tweed Practice Doctors

Dr Roger Brydon MBChB, MRCGP

Dr Claire Meldrum MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG, DFFP

Dr Robert Manson MBChB, MRCGP

Dr Jennifer Carter MBChB

Dr Lucie Buckingham MBChB, MRCGP, DRCOG

Dr Lucy Sedgwick MBChB


The Neidpath Practice Doctors

Dr Maude Donkers Artsexamen (Groningen), MBMPhil, MRCGP, MRCOG, DFFP

Dr Cheryl Fairley MBChB, MRCP, MRCGP

Dr Jo Robertson MBChB, BSc, DFSRH

Dr Susie Delmonte MBChB, BSc (Hons), DRCOG, DCH

Dr Ewan McGregor BMBS, BSc (Hons)

Dr Nicholas Fletcher MBChB (Hons), MRCGP, BMus (Hons)

The Tweed Practice and The Neidpath Practice are both training practices. All our doctors in training are fully qualified doctors, who will have spent an initial period of time working within hospital settings prior to joining us at the GP surgery. We host doctors who are completing their GP training and doctors who are completing their Foundation Year Two training. We also host Advanced Nurse Practitioners who are completing their training. 

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Advanced Nurse Practitioners have masters level training and education, and form an important part of the primary care team. They can assess patients independantly, prescribe medications and make treatment recommendations. They will liase with doctors and refer onwards if needed. If you contact the Tweed Medical Practice about an urgent health problem, you may be offered an appointment with the Advanced Nurse Practitioner. 


The Tweed Medical Practice Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Mrs Claire Grant


Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians undertake a key role in the General Practice team, including helping patients with medication queries, improving the quality and safety of prescribing, and medication management. We have one pharmacist and two pharmacy technicians working at the surgery.


General Practice Pharmacist

Susan Anderson

Practice Management

Practice Manager                          

Mrs Fiona Lawson


Assistant Practice Manager        

Mrs Jillian Johnstone

Practice Nurses

Practice Nurses

Mrs Zoe Richardson & Mrs Chloe Gillon


Health Care Assistant

Mrs Sam Millar

Reception and Administrative staff

Administrative staff are a very important part of our team. They provide basic information on services and results, and will direct you to the right healthcare professional depending on your enquiry or health issue. They also perform other essential tasks such as dealing with prescriptions and requests for patient records. 

All staff work within our Practice Confidentiality Policy.  They will ask you some basic questions to ensure that your enquiry is dealt with by the most appropriate member of the team.

Community/District Nurses, Health Visitors and Midwives

These healthcare professionals are accessed via the Hay Lodge Healthboard reception desk, located opposite the GP surgery reception. The number is 01721 722080.

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