Soul and Conscience Letters

Joint Practice Decision for The Neipath Practice and The Tweed Practice: Declining Requests for Soul and Conscious Letters for Court



After careful consideration, we have decided that we will not engage in writing soul and conscious letters for court proceedings. This decision is based on our commitment to maintaining ethical standards, ensuring authenticity, and adhering to the legal requirements of such documents.



1. Legal Implications: Soul and conscious letters may not meet the formal standards required for court documentation. Legal proceedings often require precise language, factual representation, and adherence to specific formats that personal letters do not provide.


2. Authenticity and Personal Voice: Such letters should reflect the genuine thoughts and feelings of the individual involved in the case. It is essential that these expressions come directly from the individual to ensure their authenticity and integrity.


3. Emotional Sensitivity: The nature of court proceedings can be emotionally charged. Our role is to provide support and guidance, not to contribute to potentially misleading or misrepresentative documentation.


Policy on Soul and Conscious Letters for Court 


To establish clear guidelines for declining requests to write soul and conscious letters for court, ensuring compliance with legal standards and maintaining the integrity of personal expression.


Policy Statement

We will not fulfill requests to write soul and conscious letters intended for court for the following reasons:


1. Legal Compliance: Such letters do not conform to the legal standards required for court submissions, which demand factual accuracy and formal structure.

2. Personal Expression: It is crucial for these letters to authentically reflect the individual's voice and experiences. This cannot be effectively achieved through external writing.

3. Ethical Boundaries: Our commitment is to provide guidance rather than engage in potentially misleading or inappropriate documentation for legal purposes.


Alternative Recommendations 

We encourage individuals to:

  • Write their own letters to ensure authenticity and personal voice.
  • Consult with legal professionals or qualified advisors who can assist them in preparing appropriate documentation for court.



This policy reaffirms our dedication to ethical standards, legal compliance, and respect for personal expression. We appreciate the understanding of those who seek our support in sensitive matters.